Dear Friends,
We want to provide a brief update on Voices4Nigeria's Year-End Matching Challenge. At this point, we are well on our way (60%) to meeting our goal of $5,000 by our deadline of December 31st – but we still need your help! Why Voices4Nigeria (V4N)? I am called – as each of us is – to care for widows and the fatherless – to feed the hungry. Donating our time, treasure, and talents to V4N is an excellent way to answer this call. I ask that you partner with us now in meeting this challenge and achieving our goal and that you consider a recurring monthly donation to the work of V4N for 2022.
You can receive our most current V4N updates and news by subscribing to our website
We wish each of you a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year in 2022!
Mike Endres
Voices4Nigeria Volunteer